International Florist delivering flowers and gifts worldwide
Floral Gifts by Larkfield Flowers Delivered on time 	Worldwide.

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holiday day flowers, roses and  	arrangements
pink roses in a arranged in a vase

red roses arranged in a wicker basket

Operators are standing by to take your call. You may order by calling us direct Monday thru Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time at 1-631-848-1156. We accept most major credit cards and your order can usually be delivered within 24 hours, however, at holiday times and for orders delivered outside the US and Canada, please allow 72 hours.

Great Gift Ideas one dozen colored roses arranged
one dozen red roses in a vase
two dozen roses arranged

Great Gift Ideas  -Birthday
 -Just Because
 -New Baby
 -Plants-Dish Gardens
 -Gift Baskets

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Family History | 24 Hour Florist | Bongiorno's Contracting | Rose Types | Flower Types
Wedding Gifts | | 24 Hour Funeral Flowers | Language of Flowers | Gourmet and Gift Baskets
All Pages Copyright© 2013 - 2014 -- -- All Rights Reserved
Northern Restorations Inc. -- DBA Larkfield Flowers -- DBA Bongiorno's Contracting
240 Elwood Road, East Northport, NY. 11731
For Customer Service or to place an order, call 1-631-848-1156 between 9 am and 6 pm EST Monday - Saturday -- Larkfield Flowers and Gifts All rights reserved.
Larkfield Flowers is a Trademark of Northern Restorations Inc.
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